
he's a prophet and a pusher, partly truth, partly fiction. a walking contradiction....

      So my taste in men may be questionable. Sure I like the smart, charming, handsome type, but give me a potential psychopath and I'm game. Or maybe it's only when that psychopath is Robert DeNiro. I've always loved Bobby DeNiro, but I don't ever think he's looked hotter than in Taxi Driver. Yes I know he plays a mentally unstable cabbie, but look at that face! Look at that boyish smile and full head of hair (at least for most of the film). He's just adorable until he goes maniacal and kills pimps.
        Marty Scorsese directs DeNiro in a film about finding a purpose. DeNiro's Travis Bickle is an insomniac that has nothing to live for and so begins obsessing about things. First he obsesses over the gorgeous Cybill Shepherd and when that goes south, he turns his attentions to Jodie Foster, playing a twelve year old prostitute. This movie has it all--including a long-haired Harvey Keitel wearing groovy pants. It's a good story that shows that an idle mind really is the devil's playground.

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